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MAY Workshops

Need help polishing that resume or preparing for a job interview? Our resume and job search workshops are now running.

STOUFFVILLE                 SUTTON

Second career Strategy

Explore your career options

If you've been laid off and are considering a career transition, Second Career Strategy might be a fit for you.  Contact us today to find out if you're eligible.

                                                                                  NEWS & EVENTS

New this month! "Super Charge Your Job Search!" A special 3-day intensive workshop by referral only! Please speak to one of our employment specialists for more details!

May 2011

Job Hunters Quick tips

May 3, 2021 3:00 PM
Sandy Collins

Save your resume electronically:  Each time you change your resume, you will want to save it using a unique filename.  Save it using the current date as the filename.  That way you know when you last updated your resume.

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  Larry: Love the Blog.  (5.3.11,3:13 PM)
Website: www.yourwebdepartment.com
  Sandy Collins: Our minds can absorb information much faster than people speak, according to an article "Active Listening" people speak at a rate of 100 to 175 words per minute, but they can listen intelligently at a rate of 600 to 800 words per minute.  Therefore we must make an effort to listen without letting our minds drift to other things, such as what to say next !  (5.4.11,9:02 AM)

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yorkworks offers employment services to job seekers and facilitates employers in recruiting, hiring and retaining suitable employees- all at no cost! 

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