
The Amazing Power of the Daily Check-in! Lessons Learned from the KEEP Project (Keeping Employees through Employer Practices)

By Shawn Shepheard

The Amazing Power of the Daily Check In

Whether you are an employer or a job seeker, it’s easy to lose our focus on what is important.

We can quickly fall into routines that steer us off course from our goals.

For the job seeker, it could be spending too much time on the computer, doing the same things over and over that hasn’t produced the results that you want.

It’s comfortable, safe, but ineffective.

For the employer, it could be starting a project only to quickly get side tracked by the “day to day” routines.

I think we can all relate.

Keep it Short and Make it a Daily Habit

One of the companies profiled on the KEEP video series is Achievers Int.

The company has one of the coolest spaces of any company I have visited.

One of the strategies that they have found to be highly effective is the daily “jam” session.

At 11:51 am every morning (yes 11:51 am), the music gets cracked up throughout the entire office and everyone (no excuses for non attendance here) come together outside the lunch area.

In nine minutes they:

  • Celebrate a success
  • Share big project updates
  • Identify challenges
  • Start the process of solving challenges

Yes, in nine minutes.

This daily habit has served the company, and staff in many ways and is a great way to head into lunch.

What daily habit could you start today to move you closer to YOUR desired objective?


Shawn Shepheard is a business coach and internationally known inspirational speaker and author.  He has worked with Fortune 500 companies in both Canada and the United States and was the Director of the Keep Videos Series.

For more lessons learned from the KEEP project please visit https://vimeo.com/keep