Second Career Strategy

What is Second Career Strategy?

The Second Career Strategy helps recently laid-off workers who require long-term skills training to find work in high-skill occupations that are in demand in the local labour market.

The strategy provides financial assistance based on individual need to help people with some of the costs associated with acquiring training, including tuition and books.

Who can apply?

Recently laid-off workers can participate in the Second Career Strategy, including those who are eligible for Employment Insurance and those who are not.

How can I get more information?

If you live in Whitchurch-Stouffville or surrounding areas, please call 905.640.2352 ext 2801or drop by our centre.

If you live in Sutton or surrounding areas, please call 905.722.1480 or drop by our centre.

York Region District School Board logoEmployment Ontario logo

whitchurch stouffville yorkworks 111 Sandiford Drive, 2nd Floor Stouffville, ON 905.640.2352 L4A 0Z9

sutton yorkworks 20887 Dalton Road Sutton, ON 905.722.1480