yorkworks - yorkworks http://www.yorkworks.ca/index.cfm?id=24531 Latest yorkworks yorkworks Blog Entries en-us Copyright Your Web Department Fri, 06 May 2021 21:35:53 EST Job Search Tool Kit <p><strong>Resume Paper:</strong> traditional white or beige, employers are not impressed with bright colours<br /> <strong>Name & contact information: </strong>on the top of all pages, incase your pages become separated<br /> <strong>Professional e-mail address</strong>: Set up a professional e-mail addressand use it strictly for job search<br /> <strong>Phone & Fax numbers:</strong>Confirm your phone and fax numbers listed are correct<br /> <strong>Answering Machine or Voice mail: </strong>should have a professional message<br /> <strong>Resume: </strong>is up to date andspecific to thejob you are applying for<br /> <strong>Contact Organizing:</strong> Sending out hundreds of resumes isn't going to work if you can't remember where you sent them or when to follow up.</p> <p></p> http://www.yorkworks.ca/index.cfm?id=24531&modeX=BlogID&modeXval=C63863F6-E1DA-5B3D-E9BD1D2BBBDDB969&BlogID=C63863F6-E1DA-5B3D-E9BD1D2BBBDDB969 Fri, 06 May 2021 12:27:00 PST 8 NEW JOB SEEKING TRENDS !!! <p></p> <h3><span><span style="color: rgb(153, 204, 0); ">Resume trends</span></span></h3> <p><strong><span>Keep it short.</span></strong><span>Today's resumes, however, must be short and should only span one or two pages. Yet, the modern resume must still incorporate all of same elements as longer resumes -- qualifications, successes, value, and accomplishments; it's simply written tighter, cleaner, and leaner. Shorten two sentences to one. Eliminate an extra bullet point. Summarize all of the tech skills into one line. You can do it!</span></p> <p><strong><span>Google has replaced the resume as the preferred introduction to job seekers.</span></strong><span>Dick Bolles, author of 'What Color is Your Parachute?' and a true pioneer in the employment industry, was recently quoted as saying, 'Your Google results are the new resume.' Today's recruiters are using Google searches and LinkedIn to source candidates instead of trolling job-board databases</span></p> <h3><span><span style="color: rgb(153, 204, 0); ">Social media trends</span></span></h3> <p><strong><span>Twitter is an interesting and advantageous technological innovation.</span></strong><span>Job seekers who are active on Twitter can use to display their resume. All they need to do is upload a copy of their print resume and it will appear as the background on their Twitter page. This is a great tool especially for younger job seekers.</span></p> <p><strong><span>Online identities are more important than ever before.</span></strong><span>Your online identity used to be something that you could worry about later. Not now! The time to be concerned about your online identity is today, as the vast majority of recruiters and companies will Google potential candidates or look them up on LinkedIn before initiating contact. Every single person -- job seeker, happily employed worker, entrepreneur, CEO, -- must be dedicated to building a strong online presence and doing it now.</span></p> <h3><span><span style="color: rgb(153, 204, 0); ">Job search trends</span></span></h3> <p><strong><span>Vocational and skilled trades jobs are in demand.</span></strong><span>There is a huge market today for plumbers, electricians, welders, and other skilled trades people. Unfortunately, there still exists a stigma that those types of careers are not 'enough.' As we continue to move through this economic recession, we hope that the perception of these careers will change to more accurately reflect the high pay scales, great benefits, and other perks of these professions. University isn't for everyone, and that's OK!</span></p> <p><strong><span>Master job applications are a valuable tool in today's job search market.</span></strong><span>A 'master job application' includes all of the data that job applications require: job titles, employers, dates of employment (months and years), locations, phone numbers, contact names, reasons for leaving, and more. This comprehensive document will be your single source for all online job applications. Do it once, do it right, and you're all set.</span></p> <h3><span><span style="color: rgb(153, 204, 0); ">Networking tre</span></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 204, 0); ">nds</span></h3> <p><strong><span>Networking skill leads the way.</span></strong><span>CareerXRoads publishes an annual Sources of Hire survey of Fortune 500 companies. Their 2010 study showed that, of all external hires, 26.7 percent came from referrals, 22.3 percent from employer career sites, 13.2 percent from job boards, and the remainder from other sources. As in years past, the largest number of new hires came from referrals. These are today's results and what we anticipate for tomorrow.</span></p> <p><strong><span>LinkedIn is THE online networking place to be seen.</span></strong><span>The consensus of career coaches, career counselors, resume writers, recruiters, outplacement consultants, and others is that LinkedIn is now the No.1 online networking platform for job seekers, both active and passive. It is essential that job seekers devote the time necessary to write well-branded and comprehensive LinkedIn profiles, because these sites are used daily by recruiters and hiring managers to find quality candidates.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><b><span>from the White Paper Global Career Brainstorming Day White Paper </span></b></p> <p class="MsoNormal">http://www.careerthoughtleaders.com/whitepaper/ </p> <p class="MsoNormal"></p> <p></p> http://www.yorkworks.ca/index.cfm?id=24531&modeX=BlogID&modeXval=BDC202D2-C609-4704-3D1BAA59B0EE9D7B&BlogID=BDC202D2-C609-4704-3D1BAA59B0EE9D7B Wed, 04 May 2021 21:17:00 PST Job Hunters Quick tips <p>Save your resume electronically: Each time you change your resume, you will want to save it using a unique filename. Save it using the current date as the filename. That way you know when you last updated your resume.</p> http://www.yorkworks.ca/index.cfm?id=24531&modeX=BlogID&modeXval=B73F65A2-0D6E-CEF8-52CA050B8289647A&BlogID=B73F65A2-0D6E-CEF8-52CA050B8289647A Tue, 03 May 2021 15:00:00 PST